Friday, January 25, 2013

Lighting (in opening sequences)

In the opening scene of Kill Bill, the lighting is high key, and is being lit from the side rather than above, creating harsh shadows on The Bride's face. When Bill starts to wipe her face, he also creates a shadow, which could be indicative of his power over her, especially as we only see The Bride and we only know that it is Bill because of the name on the handkerchief. 

In the opening of Sin City, the lighting is also placed in a way to create shadows on the two characters. The lighting is especially interesting after he shoots the girl, and there is only a silhouette of the two characters, and only the silver gun is completely visible. This creates the sense of moral ambiguity and signifies the genre and style of the film.

These are the techniques that we intend on using for our film opening.

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