Friday, January 25, 2013

Male protagonists in espionage

Considering the teacher feedback about our lack of male representation, I followed up on some of the strong male characters in the action genre, hoping for some inspiration for our piece. I also wanted to gain insight into the conventions of these character, and identify similarities and differences.

James Bond

All the Bonds
Bond is the most obvious example that springs to mind when we think of secret agents/ spies.

  • In 1962, Eon Productions released the first cinematic adaptation of James Bond.
  • There have altogether been 23 movies.
Primary audience is 16-30 year old males: 
  • Bond is an aspirational figure - strong, handsome, athletic, ladies man.
  • The flashy cars and gadgets - "Boys toys"
  • The women - "Bond Girls" - Often turn out to be the villian/ working against Bond - he doesn't have stable relationships - Bachelor who does whatever he wants.
  • Guns - action and fight scenes, or speedy car chases.

Jason Bourne

Core target audience: Males aged 16-30 
Secondary audience: Females ages 16-30.

The Bourne franchise (2002/4/7) was also very successful. The protagonist was something that had never been done before. 

  • Opposing to Bond, Bourne is a flawed action hero - Amnesia.
  • Scarred and traumatised by the people who recruited him (government)
  • Quick-thinking, smart, linear type of person who moves quickly and brutally towards his goal.
  • Good fighter - fast and agile fighting style - takes down anyone in his way.
  • Determined to win - very moral.
  • Is not a player, but more focused on his aims, although he does have one relationship (more emotional attachment) - shows human side of him.

Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible is typically known as being a series of action, thriller and adventure films.

Core target audience: Males and females aged 12-30

  • Ethan Hunt - cool, level-headed, good looking.
  • Gets the job done as efficiently s possible.
  • Has a few relationships - married, but doesn't work out - he puts her safety before his happiness (Female audience want a man like this)
  • Action scenes - fights, chases, cars, gadgets, explosions + guns - appeal to the action/adventure fans.
  • Attractive female character e.g Jane Carter played by Paula Patton. 

Male protagonists

Casino Royale

James Bond

  • White male is the hero - athletic, heroic, does brave and crazy things.
  • Has a cool attitude throughout - makes it look effortless.
  • Light coloured clothing - appearance of good (vs. dirty/muddy villain)
  • Serious facial expression throughout - never gives up, never phased.
  • Uses the truck, doesn't just go by foot - innovative.

The Villain

  • Black male - has something the hero wants.
  • Dusty clothing - looks more worn out.
  • Nervous, keeps looking back - does not have the same cool exterior.
  • Very skilled + agile - parkour - tends to run about and use surrounding to his advantage.

Mission Impossible

Ethan Hunt

  • Rocky setting - middle of nowhere - he is independent.
  • No ropes during climb- brave.
  • Very strong - muscles visible - vest.
  • Clothing flattering to frame - attractive.
  • Reaches the top of the mountain - victory - determined to get what he wants.
  • Important - personal helicopter to deliver him a package.
For our film, it will be important not to re-create any of the above characters - our character will follow conventions in some sense, so to fit audience expectations and fulfill his role as the "strong male", however he must also fit into our movie without undermining the 3 female protagonists, rather be equal to them. Extending this, he is a supporting role, therefore an exploration into supporting male characters is required.

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