Friday, January 25, 2013

Male supporting roles in action/ Girls with Guns genre

A supporting role is important in the example below. Michael is a strong positive representation, while at the same time not dominating over the protagonist. We wish to acheive this in our opening sequence, therefore the techniques used to portray Michael are useful to analyse.


(1:50+ - intro of a male side character)

  • Both Selene and male dressed in black trench coats, black boots - Dark/sinister.
  • Seem to have equal footing, one does not overpower the other.
  • We see through the camera - his POV - gives him importance.
On the other hand: (These are more because he is a supporting character, rather than because he is male.
  • Selene nods at him - giving him order.
  • Female voice-over, even when he is in shot - female dominance/ importance.
  • Less screen time than Selene - lesser character or not as important as her.

  • He is chained/ having nightmares -vulnerable - looks tired and confused.
  • When villains arrive, he is the one unsure, and reliant on Selene - not necessarily weak, but less certain of himself and inexperienced.
  • Selene - calm, and self-certain. Knows where she is going and what she wants - Binary opposites to Michael.
Michael remains strong in his own rights, though not over Selene, who retains her authority and importance throughout the clip. A future male character in our film would be similar - strong in his own way, with some strengths that the others need, however not overpowering. 

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