Wednesday, March 27, 2013

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

Action movies are most popular with under 18s of both genders, as well as 18-29 years olds, therefore the largest cinema- going group,16-24 which falls within these, was ideal.

Thus, we have our core audience (specific to the female-orientated 26): 16-24 year old females. This is not to discount males however, as we can see from the graph that both genders equally enjoy actions movies, not to mention the "good looking" *ahem* cast of 26 might appeal to them.

The core audience is:


Teenage girls seemed the best option as the genre had success among them:

A table to summarise the audience groups
Other audiences:

A tertiary or more niche audience would perhaps be the Asian community, who as mentioned in Question 2, very much enjoy watching portrayals of their culture. (further addressed in Question 5) 

As an action film, especially in the GwG sub-genre, 26 would appeal to teenage girls and perhaps boys, as well as the Asian community, with its ground-breaking Asian female action heroines. This audience was ideal according to our audience feedback in questions 5.

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