The two main areas of representation that we wanted to focus on were gender and race, as we found that there was a huge lack of female action heroines (up until very recently, with the groundbreaking "Alien" franchise) and also a substantial deficiency of positive representations of South Asian characters in Hollywood. Therefore we decided to challenge and update the representations as much as possible through our film. We also decided to focus mostly on British Asian characters, due to the recent success of British Asian films "Slumdog Millionaire", "Bend It Like Beckham", "East is East" and it's subsequent sequel, "West is West". All of these films were critically acclaimed, as they gave global audiences an insight into 'never before explored territory'.
Despite the fact that we decided to make all of our protagonists female, we chose not to represent them as being very butch and masculine, as we didn't want to detract from their femininity. Below is an analysed photo that we took for our animatic, showing how we exploited the fact that our characters were female.
After doing a quick Google search of "Asian characters in film", I came across some fascinating information.
Slide on Representation of Ethnicity from our pitch presentation |
Ethnicity Analysis of photo taken from our animatic |
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